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ECE painting with two children.

Family and Child Care Connections (FCCC)

July 29, 2023

Family and Child Care Connections (FCCC) is a community based, non profit family child care agency in Newfoundland and Labrador that is dedicated to providing support and resources to families and child care providers  with the goal of enhancing the quality of family child care provider services and promoting the well-being of children and families throughout the province.

Family and Child Care Connections offers a range of comprehensive services and initiatives to fulfil their mission. These include:

Child Care Search: FCCC has worked to be able to provide FCCC approved family child care providers a way to advertise available spaces and for families to have access to up-to-date information on those spaces.

Government Grants & Programs: FCCC provides information on the provincially provided financial incentives to family child care providers who wish to become regulated and approved. These include, but are not limited to: Early Learning and Child Care Supplement, Operating Grant Program, Child Care Capacity Initiative, etc.

Professional Development: FCCC offers and promotes training and professional development opportunities for family child care providers. These initiatives aim to enhance the knowledge and skills of family child care providers ensuring high-quality care and early learning experiences for children.

Toy and Lending Resource Library: FCCC has developed and provides a toy and resource lending library, ECEHRC provides details about it if you click here.

Networking Exclusive to FCCC Approved Providers: FCCC has supported the development of an online network for agency approved providers. Professional networking offers family child care providers, who aren’t working alongside other professionals, the opportunity to stay connected, informed, and engaged  while providing opportunities for growth, collaboration, support, and advocacy.

Community Events: FCCC provides opportunities for children, families and child care providers to participate in playgroups, onsite workshops, and special events.

FCCC endeavours to answer your questions whether you are a regulated or unregulated family child care provider, interested in becoming a child care provider, or a parent looking for child care information.

Through its comprehensive range of services, Family and Child Care Connections plays a vital role in supporting families and child care providers in Newfoundland and Labrador, fostering a nurturing and enriching environment for children's growth and development.


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.