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Post-Secondary Early Childhood Education Options

Post-Secondary Early Childhood Education Options

March 24, 2023

Choosing to pursue a career in early childhood education is choosing to become a professional in a field that is currently expanding its qualified workforce, seeing a growing recognition for the impact early learning has on a child, and increasing its opportunities for career advancement.

There are growing options for accessing post-secondary early childhood education in our province.

College of the North Atlantic (CNA) offers ECE Certificate and Diploma programs on campus, as well as online and an Advanced Diploma in Administrative Leadership on campus as well as online.

*NEW: College of the North Atlantic now offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts: Early Childhood Education online. This new program builds on the certificate, diploma, and advanced diploma programs at CNA and can be completed in two semesters for any ECE Advanced Diploma graduates who meet the entrance requirements. This program can be completed full-time or part-time and students are supported through the development of a Learner Course Plan that takes into account any previous ECE or related education they may already have, and any PLAR credits received.

Academy Canada offers Early Childhood Education as a One Year or Two Year program, with the option of a Bridging Year if you completed the One Year program and wish to upgrade. Click here to find out more information about these programs.

*NEW: Academy Canada has an articulation agreement with the College of the North Atlantic that allows graduates of Academy Canada’s two-year ECE program to be eligible for direct-entry acceptance into College of the North Atlantic’s Advanced Diploma in ECE Administrative Leadership. Upon successful completion of the Advanced Diploma in ECE Administrative Leadership, these same students may apply directly to the fourth year of CNA's Bachelor of Applied Arts in Early Childhood Education. Click here to learn more about this agreement.

Keyin College offers both ECE Certificate and Diploma programs. Click here to find out more information.

*This resource has been updated November 2023 to reflect changes in program offerings.


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