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A lot of people think that advocacy in ELCC means standing up in front of groups of people and sharing details about why your profession is important.

While this is one aspect of advocacy efforts, advocating for ECEs is so much more than that!

Advocating for your profession as an early childhood educator, even in small ways such as sharing on social media (click here to read about the everyday ways you can advocate!), can have many positive ripple effects for you and the field.

Professional Recognition: Advocacy helps raise awareness about the importance of early childhood education. It can contribute to the recognition of the vital role that ECEs play in a child's development. The more people that understand what it is you do every day with children the more people will respect the ECE profession.

Parental Engagement & Community Support: Sharing information about your profession can help parents, and everyone in the community, understand the importance of early childhood education. This increased awareness can lead to more engaged and informed parents and community members, creating a positive partnership between educators,  families, and the wider community. By sharing your experiences and insights, you may garner support from parents, community members, and policymakers.

Impact on Policy: Your advocacy efforts, even on a small scale, can contribute to shaping policies related to early childhood education. Policymakers may be more likely to consider the needs and perspectives of ECEs when they see active engagement from the professionals themselves.

Job Satisfaction: An important element of job satisfaction is having a sense of control in your workplace (click here to read more about this!). Engaging in advocacy encourages you to stay informed about the latest research, best practices, and policy changes in your field. Knowing that you are actively contributing to the betterment of your profession can increase your sense of control over what happens to you professionally.

Collective Empowerment: Advocacy can empower you and your fellow ECES by fostering a sense of collective responsibility. When ECEs unite in advocating for their profession, it sends a powerful message about the value and significance of early childhood education.

Advocacy doesn't always have to involve grand gestures

Small, consistent efforts can make a meaningful impact over time.

Sharing success stories, discussing challenges, and highlighting the joys of working with young children can collectively contribute to a positive image of the early childhood education profession. Read more about how to include small advocacy in your day here!


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.