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The Early Childhood Community Development Centre

December 6, 2023

The Early Childhood Community Development Centre, a Canadian organisation based out of Niagara, Ontario, was founded in 1993 by a group of local volunteers. Their workshops and services are largely dedicated to the early learning and child care community in their region, but they also offer options for those outside of Niagara!

Their Resource Exchange provides a regularly updated series of PDFs that can support ECEs with their program planning! Many of the PDFs reference materials available for borrowing at their location and make excellent references for putting together sets of learning materials in your own space. These PDFs reference ways to implement learning with the listed materials, such as (click here) one that walks you through introducing mindfulness in your early learning space. Other PDFs (click here) provide details on how to start up your own loose parts centre.

Click here to jump straight to their full list of PDF resources.

The ECCDC also offers professional learning webinars at affordable rates.

Click here to check out their calendar of upcoming professional learning opportunities.


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