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Becoming an Early Childhood Educator

Becoming an Early Childhood Educator in Newfoundland and Labrador

May 3, 2023

Interested in becoming an ECE in Newfoundland and Labrador?

Click here to read more about what an ECE is in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), including the current NL government wage grid.

Click here to access what we shared about the ECE profession during our 2023 You See / We See Campaign.

How to Begin?

The first step to becoming an ECE in NL is to become certified. The certification process ensures recognition of your post-secondary early childhood education to work in regulated early learning and child care environments as per Newfoundland and Labrador Child Care Services Regulations, 39/17 2017 and the Child Care Services (CCS) Act.

Click here to access information on the options available to complete post secondary early childhood education, right here in our province!

Ready to apply for your CCS Certification?

Click here to begin your application process if you currently reside in our province, or if you are a Canadian resident from outside of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Click here to begin your application process as an international applicant.

Click here to access our current set of resources for Future ECEs. These resources will be updated, as well as new resources added, on an ongoing basis.

Click here to access our resource on how to maintain your certification through a renewal process every three years.

It is important to remember:

  • Every CCS Certificate issued has a “valid until” or renewal date.
  • Renewing your certification requires the completion of a set number of documented professional learning (PL) hours.
  • It is recommended to apply to renew the certification approximately 30 days before the expiry of certification.
  • Late applications may result in gaps in certification and might require additional documentation for any lapsed period of certification – these gaps may impact your employment or other services that are dependent on valid certification.

Next Steps:

While you are waiting for your certification you can work on the next few steps to take so that you will be ready to work in an early learning and child care setting:

  1. Complete a valid First Aid course. Stay tuned to the addition of an ECEHRC resource that will provide updated information on accessing First Aid training for the ELCC Workforce.
  2. Apply for a record check and vulnerable sector check. The cost is $20 and you can apply online - click here.

Need Support?

Click here to learn about the bursary options that have been made available by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to support those interested in becoming ECEs, and to support those who are currently ECEs.

Click here to learn about AECENL’s professional learning grant to support the upkeep of professional learning hours.

Click here for information on how to access AECENL's online workshop series that provides you with the opportunity to go in depth to our provincial early learning framework. The intent of the framework is to guide and reinforce early childhood educators’ (ECE) daily practice and interactions with children from birth to eight years.

Click here if you are an international ECE interested in learning about the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) to become an ECE in NL.

Click here if you are an international ECE interested in learning about the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP) to become an ECE in NL.

Click here if you had a question you wanted to ask us about any steps of this process.


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.