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Family Resource Centres (FRCs) in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) are community-based organisations that focus on the whole family by supporting parents and caregivers as they face challenges while raising children aged 0 to 6 years old. The programming developed to support families also reduces short and long-term government expenditures across the board which benefits our province as a whole. 

Each FRC takes their specific community’s needs into consideration when determining what programming to develop for families. Some of the options that FRCs provide include pregnancy and post-natal supports, drop-in programs and group learning for parents, resources on parenting, child development, and available community services (healthcare, housing, etc.), lending libraries (toys, books) and exchange services (clothing, etc.), and family based events and gatherings (including cultural events).

Access to these services reduces government spending by supporting families in a way that prevents the need for increased spending across a variety of departments. Supporting families supports children. It is well documented that children who are well-supported in the early years are more likely to grow into adults who require less support from government initiatives including physical and mental health care options. Click here to read more about the importance of Family Resource Programs from a federal perspective.

ECEs interested in developing programming for parents as well as for children would be well suited to choosing a career at a FRC.

Frontline ECEs interested in providing additional support to families could suggest the programming available at FRCs to the parents and caregivers of the children in their early learning spaces.

Click here for the NL government’s list of available FRCs in our province.

Click here to learn about Families Canada, an organisation dedicated to support families in Canada whose tagline is, “The power to thrive,” emphasising their commitment to enhancing the overall well-being and resilience of families.


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