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First Light, a registered non-profit organisation that serves the urban Indigenous and non-Indigenous community alike, provides programs and services rooted in the revitalization, strengthening and celebration of Indigenous cultures and languages in the spirit of trust, respect, and friendship. Click here to learn more about First Light.

AECENL, our provincial ECE association, has partnered with First Light to offer Indigenous Cultural Diversity Training. This professional learning opportunity is funded under the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement between the federal and provincial government. Click here to learn more about AECENL.

This Indigenous Cultural Diversity Training is a comprehensive three-hour foundational session that covers topics such as Cultural Humility, Understanding Culture, Statistics & Terminology, Indigenous Groups, Symbols, Ceremonies, Elders, Colonisation & The Indian Act, Residential Schools, Confederation, Intergenerational Trauma, Cultural Appreciation & Tokenism, Culturally Insensitive Phrases, as well as Stereotypes & Myths. 

This session is provided in a safe space, for individuals and groups to come together to explore cultural humility and enhance self-awareness.

Once you have completed this foundational session you can continue your learning in a session, called Roots of Knowledge, that is specifically designed for ECEs. In collaboration with AECENL, First Light has developed this professional learning session with the aim to deepen the roots of knowledge and understanding of Indigenous groups and cultural teachings, while supporting educators to create culturally responsive learning environments for children. Roots of Knowledge will be available soon!

Click here to learn more about both of these offerings.


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.