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Child Care Services Certification

Child Care Services Certification

March 24, 2023

Child Care Services (CCS) Certification is the process that allows for the assessment of the level of education of child care providers, early childhood educators, and members of the early learning and child care workforce and it is required to be able to work in the licensed/regulated child care system.

The purpose of becoming certified as an ECE is to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the areas of child development, early learning, and teaching methods. Becoming certified as an early childhood educator (ECE) demonstrates a commitment to professionalism and competence in the field of early childhood education.

The Newfoundland and Labrador Child Care Services Certification Information Booklet, provided by the Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland Labrador (AECENL), contains much of the information you would need to know about this process. AECENL is funded by the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Government to deliver CCS Certification and to support the orientation courses that may be necessary for a person to achieve certification in a particular classification. CCS Certification is an important first step in obtaining recognition for the valuable work that encompasses the child care sector.

Click here to find further information about CCS Certification and for how you can get certified today!


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