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Universal Benefits of ELCC

Universal Benefits of ELCC

March 24, 2023

Craig Alexander, Chief Economist and Executive Advisor, Deloitte Canada, in this interview by The Peak (a business and tech newsletter) highlights why, “Canadians – even those without children – [...] benefit from infrastructure we don’t directly use, and social infrastructure is the same thing.” This social infrastructure includes access to early learning and child care environments.

Supporting the ELCC sector is not just for parents and caregivers.

“Studies vary in their findings, but we know that every dollar invested in early learning programs results in an economic multiplier.” This means that investing in ELCC programs always has an increase in value over time. “When you take a longer view and model the impact of benefits to children over their educational journeys and into their careers, the anticipated return increases to almost $6.00.” This is just one model of outlining the returns on investment, as per this article.

The importance of ELCC cannot be understated. Interdepartmental organisations and businesses would do well to find ways to support the development of ELCC that align with their own values and mandates. The ECEHRC invites you to connect with us for ways to collaborate to move this work forwards.


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.