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Occupational Standards for ECEs: How to use them for performance reviews

Occupational Standards for ECEs: How to use them for performance reviews

March 24, 2023

The Occupational Standards for Early Childhood Educators “How To Guide” outlines how to use the Occupational Standards for Early Childhood Educators to create and utilise performance reviews to augment the skill sets of your ELCC staff, and therefore the quality of your early learning environment, starting on page 11. To support the development of your performance reviews, there is a Task Profile Chart in English and a Task Profile Chart in French that clearly define the roles and responsibilities of ELCC staff, including the subtasks involved in each category. From this chart an employer can develop a personalised performance review specific to their location.

These resources were developed in 2010 by the now dissolved Child Care Human Resources Sector. The outlines and content that were developed for these resources are still relevant to ELCC practises today.


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