Strong Minds Strong Kids is a part of The Psychology Foundation of Canada (PFC), whose goal is to “Give psychology away.” The PFC works to do this by using the most current and widely accepted psychological knowledge to create easy to understand programs to help children thrive and to become confident, resilient, and happy adults.
Strong Minds Strong Kids provides programming and related resources that you can use for your own professional learning, as well as options to recommend to parents. Many of their resources are available in other languages - Gujarati, Arabic, and Hindi, to name a few. For each of these programs, take some time to click on the “Research and Development” tab to learn more about how the program was developed and what child development principles they include.
Click here to learn about their Make The Connection program which is designed for supporting children 0-3 years old through strategies to develop secure attachments as the basis for supporting child development.
Click here to learn about their Stress Busters and Kids Have Stress Too! programs which are designed for supporting preschool into school age children, and review topics such as how to use the promotion of age appropriate self-regulation techniques to help create an emotionally healthy learning environment for children.
Click here to review additional resources, outside of their programming, that includes articles that would be great to recommend to parents (“Strategies for Parenting Kids Who Have Anxiety,” “4 Things to Consider When Telling Your Kids You Are Separating,” and more) as well as Preschool age “Toolbox Activities” to support discussing emotions with children, and helping children learn strategies to cope with those emotions.
Click here to review the regularly updated list of webinars covering a range of topics, from “Anxiety and the Gift of Imagination,” and “Defining stress and stressors: learning how to support children’s resilience,” to “Supporting Parents During Unprecedented Times: Evidence-Based Ways to Build Resiliency.”
We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.