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Labour Standards Act : What You Need to Know

January 20, 2024

What are Labour Standards?
Labour Standards are a set of regulations to ensure fair and equitable treatment of workers, prevent exploitation, and create a safe and healthy work environment across all sectors.

You can click here to access the Labour Standards specific to our province. This directs you to the government website where you can click on the Labour Standards Act or Regulations.

Issues that are addressed by the Labour Standards Act include:

Vacation Pay - information on employees receiving vacation pay and/or an annual vacation;
Public Holidays - identifies the 6 paid public holidays and the criteria to qualify to get paid for them;
Hours of Work - information on standard working hours including the daily maximum hours, rest periods for employees, and when employers are required to pay their employees overtime;
Minimum Wage - details on how this is implemented;
Wage Protection - details on place a time of payment, ensures employees receive a pay stub and that illegal deductions are not taken;
Leave - outlines the amount of leave employees are entitled to and the criteria to quality for each kind of leave (pregnancy, adoption, parental, compassionate care, sick/family responsibility, and bereavement);
Notice of Termination - information on how to properly give and receive notice of lay-off, or terminating employment;
Enforcement of the Labour Standards Act - provides information on what happens if either employer or employee doesn’t follow what is legally required as per the Labour Standards Act.

Becoming familiar with what you are entitled to as an employee in our province gives you the tools you need to address any issues you may encounter at your workplace.

Addressing workplace issues can be done respectfully so that both you and your employer move forward in a positive way.

In addition to the labour standards, you may want to read more about Workplace Wellness (click here) and Workplace Mental Health (click here). Both topics relate to how supported you feel at your workplace and can impact how you are able to address any workplace issues you may encounter.


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