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Refreshing Your Lapsed ECE Certification

Refreshing Your Lapsed ECE Certification

March 24, 2023

If you are a certified early childhood educator (ECE) who is interested in returning to the field the first step is to review the details on how to renew your certification. AECENL is funded by the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Government to deliver CCS Certification. Click here to jump to their information page. If you download The Renewal of Child Care Services Certification Guide on the left side of the page you will find the full details on the process on page 14.

To renew a lapsed certification, you will need to complete 36 professional learning hours plus an additional hour of professional learning for every month that you are lapsed, up to a maximum of 60 professional learning hours total.

Click here for why professional learning hours are required for certification purposes as well as details about maintaining your certification.

Click here to jump to our professional learning resources that provide options for you to complete those hours. In particular you may be interested in accessing your hours while ensuring that you are up to date on the current NL ECE framework (click here for the PDF) and click here to access AECENL’s workshop series on this framework.


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