Materials for early learning environments can be expensive to purchase, particularly as the interests of your group change over time.
The NL Public Libraries have developed a specific Educator Card that provides ECEs, and other educators, with access to up to 30 books for your space with an extended loan period of 28 days.
In addition to the perks for borrowing books, the NLPL Educator Card provides you with the opportunity to borrow:
An educator card entitles you to be able to borrow one of these options at a time.
If you’re interested in accessing additional resources online - the NLPL Educator Card allows you to sign up for specific digital library resources. Find titles for all ages in the Libby app, or eBooks specifically for children in the Tumblebook Library app. There are options for audiobooks, as well as resources for learning activities.
You will need your CCS Certification to apply and then the NLPL Educator Card is valid for 5 years, at which point you can reapply.
The team at the NL Public Libraries also encourages you to reach out and contact them with any questions you may have, as well as any inquiries regarding visits to the library itself!
Click here to access their list of contact information at the bottom of the page, as well as all the information you will need to apply for your NLPL Educator Card today!
We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.