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Early Learning and Child Care Positions NL

April 24, 2024

This resource is for job openings for early learning and child care (ELCC) professionals.

The ECEHRC does not have any direct affiliation in the hiring of positions in organisations that have requested to use this space to advertise an ELCC position.

Each ELCC position that is posted here follows their own workplace guidelines and hiring practises.

It is up to the individual ELCC professional to review the specifics and determine if it is the right fit for them.

April 24, 2024

Family and Child Care Connections (FCCC) is currently seeking a candidate to fill a temporary, full time Agency Monitor position in Corner Brook and area with a start date as soon as possible.

The Child Care Services Legislation of Newfoundland and Labrador, requires this individual to have at least two years experience working in family child care and must have or be qualified to obtain Level II Certification with the Child Care Services Certification Program.

The successful candidate will have an understanding of and be able to implement the Child Care Services Act and Regulations as it applies to family child care.

You will work with child care providers to provide support and promote best practices in their regulated child care homes.

You will work collaboratively with other Agency Monitors and professionals in the early childhood field.

Computer skills as well as excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential.

Being well organized in maintaining files and records is also an asset

This position is based on a 35 hr. paid work week with an annual salary of $65,000.

A valid driver’s license and vehicle for the position is essential.

Only those with the qualifications as stated will be eligible for an interview.

References demonstrating your experience are required.

Resumes will only be accepted by email to


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.