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Zero to Three

August 18, 2023

Each role fulfilled by an early childhood professional is valuable and necessary, across the varied areas of expertise and strength. From the front lines in the classrooms and daycare playgrounds daily to those shaping the health and wellness on a federal level, early childhood professionals take seriously the weight of shaping our country’s youngest citizens.” - Zero to Three website 

Zero to Three is an American membership-based organisation that provides a space for professionals in diverse disciplines focused on child development, including early childhood educators, to collaborate. There is a fee associated with joining, and keep in mind the $120 fee is USD, but that fee grants you access to free monthly Virtual Member Events and free access to self-paced online learning including the LEARN Conference Library and Competencies for Prenatal to Age 5 (P-5) Professionals E-Course. Click here to check out additional benefits.

The Zero to Three website does have resources and information for non-members, and it is definitely worth exploring their journals and webinars for those that you can access without joining.

Click here to check out their resources!


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.