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AECENL offers a multitude of online workshops that cover an array of topics. These workshops count towards your professional learning hours that are required to maintain your ECE certification. Currently you can access the following:

Creating a Greener Child Care Setting (3 hours PL)

Stress Management (1.5 hours PL)

Practitioners and Families Together: Self-Esteem (2.0 hours PL) - in partnership with the CCCF

Workshop Facilitation Skills (2.0 hours PL)

Children with Special Needs in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)

Creativity in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)

Guiding Children's Behaviour in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)

Working with Families in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)

Infant Attachment and Relationships in Family Child Care (2 hours PL) *

Caring for Infants in Family Child Care (2 hours PL) *

Infant Growth & Development (2 hours PL)*

Learning Through Play in Family Child Care (2 hours PL)

Anxiety in Children (2 hours PL)

Children and Literacy in Action (2 hours PL)

Physical Activity and Children (2 hours PL)

The Importance of Professional Development (2 hours PL)

Positively You (2 hours PL)

Transitions & Routines(2 hours PL)

Diversity in Child Care(2 hours PL)

Internet 101(2 hours PL)

Fun with Science(2 hours PL)

Mindfulness in Child Care(2 hours PL)

Provocations and Documentations(2 hours PL)

Social and Emotional Development: Fostering Resiliency and Self-Regulation (2 hours PL)

Fun with Math (2 hours of PL)

Fun with Music (2 hours of PL)

Fun with Loose Parts (2 hours of PL)

Puppetry in Child Care (2 hours of PL)

Click here if you are interested in finding out more about AECENL’s workshops or accessing the ones you see listed above.


We look forward to connecting with you.

We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.