The Science of Early Childhood Development is a Canadian developed initiative out of Red River College Polytechnic in partnership with the University of Toronto and the Aga Khan Development Network. The goal of the initiative was to make up-to-date early learning research accessible to anyone who wanted to increase their knowledge about the importance of quality early learning experiences, what that quality looks like, and how these quality experiences have a lifelong impact.
AECENL has collaborated with the NL Government to make SECD’s resources available to all Newfoundland and Labrador residents.
The SECD’s online living textbooks, and supporting materials, cover the following five topics:
Click here to jump directly to accessing this thorough resource that is supportive of both the ELCC workforce and parents/caregivers, alike.
Click here (or click the “Tools and tip sheets” on the above link) to review the SECD’s supportive information on how best to use their resources.
We are committed to listening to the diverse voices of the current and future ELCC community. Your questions, concerns, and opinions are important to us. We appreciate you taking the time to reach out and collaborate with us.