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Reissue for Child Care Services Certification

Reissue for Child Care Services Certification

April 24, 2022

Upgrading one's education in early childhood education can provide deeper understanding of child development, a wider range of teaching strategies and techniques, and the opportunity to advance your career.

Furthering education can provide ECEs with a more in-depth understanding of child development, learning theory, and evidence-based teaching practices. This knowledge can help them provide high-quality education and care to young children and improve their instructional practices.

Upgrading your certification level by increasing your education may allow you to become qualified for leadership roles in the field, teach at the college level, Advanced degrees can increase your earning potential permitting you to qualify for roles such as program directors, teaching at the college level, becoming an ELCC consultant, and beyond. The Newfoundland and Labrador Child Care Services Certification Information Booklet, provided by AECENL, contains much of the information you would need to know about this process.

Once you have accomplished your upgrading, you can click here for AECENL’s website to access the documents for a reissue of your certification.

The Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland – Labrador (AECENL) is funded by the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Government through government funding to provide the Child Care Services Certification service.


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