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Family Child Care Information Package

Family Child Care Information Package

March 24, 2023

Family Child Care Connections (FCCC) is a community based, non profit family child care agency located in St. John’s, NL with offices in western and central NL. The agency supports and monitors regulated child care providers caring for children in their own homes.

FCCC provides a comprehensive family child care information package that is a resource for anyone considering becoming a regulated child care provider. It includes everything you need to know about family child care, including why family child care providers are so important, and the process for becoming approved or licensed. 

Using your home for child care is a big decision, and FCCC’s family child care information package can help you navigate the process with information on considering your family's needs, fact sheets on the numbers of children in regulated versus unregulated child care,  the requirements for general insurance coverage, and the benefits of becoming a regulated child care provider, including access to resources and support to help you provide the best possible care for the children in your home.


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